Wednesday 13 November 2013

Research - 13th November 2013

My first research is a animation by 'Badmephisto' he is a youtuber that created a '4 seasons animation' it is a tree going through the four seasons. It got 122,788 views on YouTube. 

I really like this animation, I find it is very calm and a chilled animation. The animation is very simple but it works really well, you can see the seasons changing. I love when the tree looses the leaves and the leaves fall in the same direction I thought that was cleverly done. I also liked the changing colour of the background, its like it represents the mood of the weather. 

I really like the snow in the winter scene, the snow flakes are very detailed and well animated. When the snow falls on the tree I find that its very effective towards the animation.

When the weather changes at this scene I really like how the rain falls with the sound of thunder it creates realism to the animation, I like how the leaves fall off the tree because it is very realistic that is actually how leaves fall of a tree. 

Shown above is a example of falling leaves. 

Then summer comes along and the way the flowers grow back on the tree is very effective. very well animated. I like how the mood of the background changes to a green, it flows very well with the theme of the scene being summer. 

My second research is this unique piece of art. It was created by Marco Olson with 345 views on YouTube. The animation is brilliant and very well made. When watching this you can see a story to it and its very effective. 
However I don't think this is a 2D animation I think this is more video editing.


My third research is a animation done by 'shamanqueen92' This animation is my favourite its something I wanted to do for my animation. The way the story is with the animation it is very cleverly done. Sadly it only has 644 views I honestly think they deserve way more views than what they have because it is a amazing animation and a very clever storyline. I really like the style of this animation its very painted and Frame by Frame. 

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