Wednesday 27 November 2013

Preparation - 28th November 2013

To prepare my animation I will be creating my backgrounds on Adobe Photoshop CS6. 

The scene's I will be creating are: 
- Winter street
- Sunshine park
- Christmas living room
- Autumn park

Equipment I will use in the animation:
- Rain
- Characters
- Snow
- Single leaves
- Autumn tree's
- Winter tree's
- Flowers
- Umbrella
- Plate of cookies

I have drawn up character model sheets and the rough sketches of the backgrounds to show what I am looking at making on the computer. This will help me design it on Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 and show what I have developed going through this process. 

I will be importing them into Adobe Flash CS6 and creating my characters in Flash too then to animate the animation together. I will also be using a mix of Frame By Frame technique and using Classic Tweens for things in my animation to move. 

Below will show you my progress in creating my preparation:

Preparing the main character:
I have created my main character which is a girl on Adobe Photoshop CS5.1, I drew her first and I have also drawn a curled up position using my character because I want her to be curled up sitting there at the start. Below you will see how i have created my character on Photoshop CS5.1:

Once the drawing is in Photoshop; I then draw over it with the 'brush tool' using a black colour for the outline of my character, after I have my outline of the character I can then delete the drawing and begin using layers for different parts of the body and colouring them in. 

Eventually they become a full character and are finished. Below shows you the back and front of the main character and below that is to show what she would look like curled up.

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