Monday 2 December 2013

Creating the animation - 2nd December 2013

Today I am going to start to create my animation, I will be following my storyboard so I don't fall behind or not know what I have to do. I will be using different techniques to accomplish to task by using tweens, frame by frame methods. Involving symbols with the characters so its easier to create a walk cycle, l will also be using sound effects like rain and thunder and trees moving for with my sound track in the background.  

I will begin by importing the christmas living room and the christmas street then importing my characters into Flash I will then animate the fire and I will animate the snow for the street. 

Highlights in my animation that i have pointed out are:


I made a round ball and converted to to a movie clip symbol so l could add the effect of a glow to make the snow more realistic. Luckily it worked for a while but somehow the snow has lost its glow and l don't understand how or why it has. 

Jumping girl:

In the start when the animation goes to the christmas living room scene; I have made the main character jumping over excitement, she as jumping rather slow at first but then I sped her up so she's continuously jumping. As you can see below the tweens of her jumping are very short so she is jumping faster. 


Also in this scene l have added the dad of the family to walk in with a plate of cookies and he stands next to the mother who is sitting down. Watching him walk l am worried about if he walks funny? Plus l want him to look like the dad and not a butler with the plate in his hands. I used two images from google to help me draw out a plate with cookies because l wasn't too sure in how to create it in his hand. 

As you can see below there are images to explain the dad. Theres a close up of the how l have created him l made him walk using the technique of frame by frame, l didn't think about converting him to a symbol then creating the movement in the symbol the tweening where i walk him to walk to, that would of been quicker and saved me a lot of time. The images at the bottom show that l used the test walk example to help me with the walk cycle, this test walk is very handy and has helped me out a lot with the walking in my animation so far.